Top 10k strings from Alien City, The (1984)(Pirate Software)[a].z80
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3 "The ";c$(y, 3 "Don't be silly!": 2 sco=sco-y*2 2 ;"The ";c$(y); 1 sinistersmallishbig,bluelow,darkfreezingtorchlitspaciouswet,dankgreenishred-huedcavelikestandby teleport 1 set up colours 1 set up arrays etc 1 screen set up 1 score updates 1 sco=sco+y*2 1 programmed by:- 1 p$="Mega-Idiot" 1 out up down west east northsouth 1 object verification 1 object trap 1 object held? 1 location set up 1 l,c;"an ";c$(h(o)): 1 l,c;"a ";c$(h(o)) 1 l,c;"HELP": 1 je ne comprends pas 1 introduction 1 input routine 1 initial values 1 getgo looinvputdrodesdriexaentheloperuneatbactalquifigkilattreagivweab 1 enter'GO TO 9999'to auto-save program 1 directions 1 descriptions 1 cyclops graphic 1 b(x)=h(o): 1 alien city adventure 1 a dark tunnel, stretching away. a pass between high rocky crags.a dusty trail,leading to a bend.thick dust,undisturbed for yearsfootprints. Someone's been here!stalagtites & snow. It's chilly!a sign. 'BEWARE OF THE CYCLOPS!'a narrow path over a sheer unused area,thick in eerie glow from the next rooma message: 'KILROY WAS HERE!' an armed guard at the exit. 1 I beg your pardon? 1 HH((HPPPPp 1 ;"strikes back and kills you!" 1 ;"single blow!" 1 ;"recover..." 1 ;"knocks you unconscious with a" 1 ;"inventory (i)" 1 ;"another ";c$(y): 1 ;"an ";c$(y): 1 ;"a ";c$(y) 1 ;"Your final score is: ";sco: 1 ;"What shall I do now, ";p$;"?": 1 ;"The guard takes my ticket and lets me pass." 1 ;"Still in the ";a$(w);" room, with": 1 ;"STAIRS": 1 ;"Replay option:" 1 ;"Press any key to continue...": 1 ;"OK, ";p$;", let's go! 1 ;"No more than 10 letters please": 1 ;"Nice try, but nothing happened.": 1 ;"It's sometimes before you": 1 ;"I'm in a ";a$(w);" room. There's" 1 ;"I'm Eddie. Who are you?" 1 ;"I now have the ";c$(y): 1 ;"I don't see a ";c$(y): 1 ;"I can't carry anything else": 1 ;" WE'RE GOING HOME! ": 1 ;" OPEN SESAME! " 1 ;" Press any key to continue...": 1 ;" nothing else 1 )="sesame" 1 );"ing this poor mite": 1 );" what? I don't see anything.": 1 (e-d));" is open."'"I have a pile of junk. What now?": 1 (e-d));" is now open": 1 (e-d));" is not very tasty.": 1 ''"..and my arms are getting tired!" 1 '"west (w)"; 1 '"up (u)"; 1 '"south (s)"; 1 '"north (n)"; 1 '"east (e)"; 1 '"down (d)"; 1 '"VERIFIED OK.": 1 '"There's still something to find!": 1 '"Remember! A map won't help here!": 1 '"Keep on looking. You're close!" 1 '"Keep collecting items of value!": 1 '"INSTRUCTIONS": 1 '"I am weighed down with:": 1 '"Here are some of the words I canunderstand, ";p$;":" 1 '"...and plenty more besides!": 1 '" I have with me:"''" nothing at all" 1 '" Another go, ";p$;"? (y/n)" 1 "than others. I also found that going back the way I came won't normally return me to the room Iexpected.It's an endless warren." 1 "sinister","smallish","big,blue","low,dark","freezing","torchlit","spacious","wet,dank","greenish","red-hued","cavelike","standby","teleport" 1 "score divided by total moves, sobuild the score up as quickly aspossible for maximum HISCORE." 1 "out","up","down","west","east","north","south" 1 "mars bar","space manual","ring of gold","key of bronze","pile of bones","broken video","wrecked watch","heap of bones","empty can","sweet wrapper" 1 "it is definately a ";c$(y): 1 "guard","cyclops","sign","transmat","bag of canvas","ticket","goblin","video unit","digital watch","aardvark","can of coke" 1 "get","go ","loo","inv","put","dro","des","dri","exa","ent","hel","ope","run","eat","bac","tal","qui","fig","kil","att","rea","giv","wea" 1 "as possible (mostly, one or two word orders). I found some itemslying around you may want to collect. Some look more valuable" 1 "a transmat device operating here","some rickety-looking stairs here","a mean-looking cyclops here." 1 "a sign. 'BEWARE OF THE CYCLOPS!'","a narrow path over a sheer drop.","an unused area,thick in cobwebs.","an eerie glow from the next room","a message: 'KILROY WAS HERE!'","an armed guard at the exit." 1 "a dark tunnel, stretching away.","a pass between high rocky crags.","a dusty trail,leading to a bend.","thick dust,undisturbed for years","footprints. Someone's been here!","stalagtites & snow. It's chilly!" 1 "You'll have me talking to trees next! Be serious, now.": 1 "You give him the ";c$(y): 1 "With pleasure, ";p$;"!": 1 "What's next then, ";p$;"?" 1 "What do you want to do now?": 1 "We're lost in a series of rooms and must find a way to escape. Give me instructions and I'll domy best to help, but be as brief" 1 "Top of the Pops is on! Great!": 1 "There's a lot of room inside": 1 "There is no exit ";b$(y): 1 "The way is barred by the guard.": 1 "The time is apparently ";w;".0";x: 1 "SCORING": 1 "Ready to move on?" 1 "REWIND AND PLAY TO VERIFY": 1 "Put it in what, ";p$;"?": 1 "Oh dear, it's gone down a deep hole, out of reach! What now?": 1 "OK. What shall we do now?": 1 "OK, ";p$;". What's next?": 1 "Notice how the score changes as you investigate.HISCORE is total" 1 "Mmm! I feel better now!": 1 "Looking around me I can see" 1 "It's disappeared! An invisible gremlin has stolen it! What now?": 1 "It's a travel catalogue.It seemsthere is a teleporter nearby!": 1 "It's a teleport ticket to Earth!": 1 "It would be better cooked. Next?": 1 "It squeals. It isn't very happy": 1 "I'm worn out.I must rest a while": 1 "I'm not carrying any thing": 1 "I'm not ";i$( 1 "I'm going back": 1 "I'm going ";b$(y): 1 "I wasn't listening. What's up?" 1 "I don't think he understands me.": 1 "I don't have any weapons": 1 "I can't find that. I don't thinkI picked that up.What now?": 1 "I can't do that!": 1 "I beg your pardon?","What ARE you talking about?","I don't understand what you mean","What? Sorry, I don't know that.","I can't make any sense of this!","Want to try that again?" 1 "I am examining the object and" 1 "Huh? What? Sorry, ";p$;"," 1 "He won't let me pass. What now?": 1 "He says 'LEAVE ME ALONE'": 1 "He looks pretty threatening!": 1 "Go where? I can't go that way!": 1 "Exits are": 1 "Do what? Please be specific.": 1 "Alien City": 1 "Alien City" 1 " Do you want instructions?(y/n)" 1 " ...and you have been robbed!" 1 " A new HISCORE! Well done!": 1 video unit digital watchaardvark 1 space manual ring of gold key of bronzepile of bonesbroken video wrecked watchheap of bonesempty can sweet wrapper 1 can of coke mars bar 1 bag of canvasticket 1 a transmat device operating heresome rickety-looking stairs herea mean-looking cyclops here. 1 What ARE you talking about? 1 WELCOME TO ALIEN CITY": 1 Same player? (y/n)" 1 Pirate Computing 1 I don't understand what you meanWhat? Sorry, I don't know that. I can't make any sense of this! Want to try that again? 1 BIG K, NO.2, MAY 1984